We had the opportunity to meet, receive and be received by various people in our life. I received some honours and awards from various organizations in the past. Some photos from such occasions are shared here.

In May 2016, the Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi (KSNA) released a book titled ‘Thiruppukazh’ (തിരുപ്പുകഴ്) in Malayalam Script. This book contains 100 Thiruppukazh Songs, KanDar AlangkAram and KanDar AnubhUthi. The book is available from the KSNA Office in Thrissur.

In 2017, with some anbarkal from Thiruvananthapuram, we went to ThrikkONamalai and KathirkAmam in Sri Lanka and presented TIV at these temples.

In 2010, Thiruppukazh in Dance Ballet Form was performed by the girls who were learning Thiruppukazh Isai Vazhipadu in Thiruvananthapuram.

In 2018, when we visited Canada, the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) Anbarkal, arranged a special Bhajan at the SVBF Temple in Toronto.

In 2018, we had the previlege of meeting several Anbarkal in Coimbatore where I chatted with them about the thALams in TIV

Several AnbarkaL from Thiruvananthapuram had the opportunity to participate in the Golden Jubilee Function organized by the TA – Karnataka in October 2019.

Please send your suggestions and comments to : drbaluiyer@gmail.com