Guruji Shri AS Raghavan visited Canada in 1988 and in 1990. Both times he spent one month with us, the Thiruppukazh AnbarkaL of GTA (Greater Toronto Area).
During the first visit he came alone. Tara Mami and Krishnan Mama were with us in Toronto. He conducted classes and bhajans every day. During the second visit, he came with (Guruji) Mami. During that visit also, he conducted classes and bhajans every day.
Some photos from these visits (1988 and 1990) are attached below.
In 1997, Guruji and Guruji Mami came to the US. Some of us from Toronto attended a bhajan held at the Detroit University. A couple of photos from that bhajan attached below.
Guruji and Mami visited Thiruvananthapuram twice – in 2000 and 2002, Some photos are attached below.
Some old photos of Guruji received / copied from posts by others (?) are given below.
Guruji conducted several Valli KalyANams in India. My wife and I and a few AnbarkaL from Thiruvananthapuram attended the one held in Chennai in 2001. Links for two video clips are given below.